Monday, August 25, 2008

In defense of Subtlety

I stand amongst the last few people guarding the citadel of subtlety. With me are a few brave warriors who value, cherish and fight for subtlety. It is a tough battle, but if it was easy then it would not have been a battle. Some might feel that this article has no point, but if you feel that, then you validate the title of this blog.

Most people like clarity, even in our humour. They kill the jokes a hundred times over with explanations and elaboration. The not said often has more value, enjoy it and appreciate it. Imagination is a powerful tool to appreciate subtlety. A little guessing never hurt anyone. By no means do I recommend deliberate obfuscation, but a little cloud cover makes the atmosphere beautiful.

As an ardent admirer of the unspoken I request more support in my sojourn to promote greater subtlety.


Psy said...

But subtlety needs a rapport between the two parties to the conversation, to thrive on. Its very rare that someone relatively new can catch subtle humour. And if you do find such a person, marry them first chance you get!

Psy said...

O, and if you didn't get the Superman one, that's cos its tres subtle!

randomthoughts said...

I dont think u need to have a rapport to pick subtle humour.. A rapport will enable understanding of contextual humour..

Psy said...

Everybody has a distinct manner in which they deliver their subtle lines; a distinct style for each person. Which, in most cases, is understood at the first shot only after the proper and actual breaking of ice that sometimes takes ages to happen.

So. My marriage tip remains :)

randomthoughts said...

If only marriage and subtlety were so strongly correlated and how i wish subtlety was the only variable in marriage..
(the statistician in me brought out the words!!!)

Psy said...

u knw me, n ur marriage ka plans :) :)

randomthoughts said...

Well well there is time for that.. give me more options..

Unknown said...

Reza, don't you think most people like clarity because they don't have the imagination to get those subtle jokes :) btw I really like this one

Unknown said...

Subtlety is an integral ingredient of humour. The importance of subtlety is all pervasive in all aspects of life. I agree that lack of imagination is a bit of a handicap.

Anonymous said...

I am with u on this buddy... i am more of the witty types, slightly slapstick and can be humble+sardonic when nessiciated.
At times even exchange in looks and small smirks do the work.