Sunday, March 13, 2011


Standing on the glacier, I wait to slide. The expanse of white is numbing. My spirit is awakened by the jaw clenching cold.  Nobody is around, no warmth, no fear. Just the vapor from your breath rising towards heaven.  It is here that you find yourself. Frozen inside you know the depths that really matter. It never seems enough.  You strive for more, push harder and fight longer. the journey continues but your still standing there.

Suddenly, with a leap of faith you take a step. And that makes all the difference. You slide on the glacier, cold and hard but exhilarating. Watch out, your mind says but then the adrenaline takes over. You dodge the obstacles, a few knocks are fine. Your efforts are not in vain. The slide gets you on track.

The rapid nature of the event leaves you gasping, the air is rare in any case. The chill hits your lungs but the joy is evident and the pain is forgotten. You look up at the summit, think to yourself, this was worth it.