Friday, April 24, 2009

Transcending Horizons

I took another small step venturing further out into the world. The graduation ceremony was a culmination of our efforts over the two years. At the end there is a small sense of achievement, a little pride and renewed ambition to face the next challenge.

As I move ahead its time to ponder on the experience. Reflect on the learning and the mistakes. The voyage has been excellent, just hope the shore is also fruitful.
Ahead i move on a wing with a prayer..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Epidemic

There is a new virus infecting journalists across the globe. Its called the 'shoe-thro'. What seemed to be an isolated incident in Iraq is now proving to be a tipping point. Flinging shoes is the new method of registering your protest and being heard. Our very own defence minister got a shoe flung at him. Though it was a symbolic and the journalist did not intend to hit him, it has serious implications.

The first time this happened I was amused. This time I am a bit concerned. Is this the beginning of a new unhealthy trend. The 'watchdogs' of society are turning into wild dogs. The journalist already has a mighty weapon, the pen, now he wants the shoe as well. In the future I wont be surprised if they are requested to remove their shoes before entering a press conference!!