Friday, May 6, 2011

Demographic Divide(n)d

1.2 billion people and growing, more than half under the age of 25. That’s present day India for you.

“Wow” scream economists and financial analysts, “that is such a huge opportunity”. It most definitely is a huge opportunity but a lot of things need to fall in place for it to become tangibly beneficial. The opportunity will translate into a reality when this huge chunk of people get an education, enter the workforce (either jobs or as entrepreneurs) and earn an income. After all, the market will get bigger only when more people have money. That’s the whole concept of Demographic Dividend.

Here’s my issue, there are too many if’s to be addressed and honestly some of them look insurmountable.
Getting over a 150 million into school, another 40 million to college and completing higher education. The challenge to fight illiteracy has never been so significant.Our system is not strong enough to support such volumes. Yes, there are some great organizations (Pratham, Teach India etc) doing some excellent work to encourage education and they have broken traditional models to achieve great success. But the fact remains vast areas of India are not as accessible.Education is half the battle, creating employable talent is a whole different ball game.
Lets talk about infrastructure, roads teeming with cars, trains overflowing with people, lack of housing, inefficient supply chain etc and the worst part is the total apathy towards the situation. It is a wonder how we have sustained our high GDP growth. The India story is definitely one which will be told as one achieved despite a million 'inspite off's'.

I would love to talk about politics and the impact politicians can have on demographic dividend. But I risk sounding more cynical than this post has already become. So I am just going to say "No comments" on that topic. The less I say, the more it will be heard I guess.

We as a nation surprise and that is probably our greatest asset. Overcoming obstacles and shocking the ordinary, that's India. Just hope the Dividend pays off..


Anonymous said...

Very nice!
You make it a point to right atleast one blog a month, dont you?
Neat rule! Keep it up!

randomthoughts said...


Gargi said...

I think it's high time we ask ourselves what kind of education is being imparted. Education may not always mean learning much less application.