Friday, October 16, 2009

A Little Bridge

Each year a fresh batch of business graduates step into the corporate world. New ideas, high zeal and a sense of purpose not witnessed since Jawaharlal Nehru's 'tryst with destiny' speech. The fundamental quality of over confidence rides high over any sense of rationality.

The situation changes drastically once work begins. All the illusions of acquiring companies, rolling out businesses and expanding capacities are shattered into pieces. Realization sets in, that to do all these activities one needs to spend time on the ground. The planes of reality are significantly different and challenging. The discomfort in the grind consumes a few, who move to cooler climes like migratory birds.

This a big dilemma, as you cannot stop people from dreaming, at the same time work on the ground level is important. So the best solution is to connect these two little islands of reality and idealism. And here is when the little bridge of phased induction makes life comfortable.


Blue-is-the-color said...

U pretty much captured the reality of our Dreams :P

Anonymous said...

Short and precise.
you seem to be a man of few words.
eager to read something on relationships from you :)

randomthoughts said...

Buddy relationships are best handled with a few words.
That's my take on that..
ya but some day, if im inspired enough, i may right a book on that!!

Anonymous said...

i think we disagree on that.. relationahips need A LOT words! like a verbal diarrhea :P
i also feel its not only about the words or gestures...but they r important.. and another school of thought to this is.. if u cant talk to your partner, y call him/her that?

would love to read your book. you seem to have a great deal of experience. or just one good enough.
wish u lots of love and luck with her (or him if ur... :))