Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Breakfast Trends

Eating out has really caught on in India in the last decade. Visits to restaurants for lunches and dinners are fairly common and occur on a weekly basis. We have imbibed a lot from the west and the most recent addition is 'breakfast at the cafe'.

A typical day for any Indian would begin with a cup of chai and Times of India accompanying his breakfast. Now the breakfast varies depending on which part of the country he is from. Parathas in the north, idlis in the south and poha in the west are the conventional choices (of course there are plenty of options and egg remains the universal choice). The reason I am talking about this, is because there is a new trend of having breakfast at the cafe. McDonalds has launched a new breakfast menu across few cities. Costa coffee and Barista already have the breakfast option.

What this means is that there is a significant number of people willing to have their breakfast outside home every morning. We have moved from traditional fare to cereals and now breakfast on the go. I would attribute this change to the effect of western sitcoms. Its not a question good or bad, these guys have identified a growing trend and are capitalizing on it. It makes the food industry more interesting now.


Anonymous said...

Guess what i have planning to try the McD's Breakfast for a week the US 30% of the sales of McD comes from breakfast..i havent been able to contribute to that coz they serve it till 11A.M. u wud have guessed the issue...
Also any feedbacks?

Anonymous said...
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