Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Understanding Jihad

I have debated on writing on this topic for a while, now I feel it’s a pertinent issue to tackle. I have to confess I don’t have all the answers but this is an honest attempt at trying to break down the concept of Jihad.

The word Jihad does not mean holy war. The idea of being sent to heaven by killing people in the name of religion is highly misplaced. There is no place for violence and killing of innocent people. The term Jihad was used in the context of ‘a struggle within oneself’. It means fighting your vices and walking the righteous path. It is very easy to distort the context, and ingrain into impressionable minds that the struggle means violence.

The popular concept of Jihad being a holy war was highlighted by the media. This of course was because the idea was ingrained into misguided youth. There is nothing glorious about the attacks that they carry. They may get swayed by the romanticism of the idea, but it is their naivety which is capitalized on, by the smart masterminds behind this terror.

Somewhere over the years terror got mixed with religion, it is now time to separate them.


Psy said...

cool stuff. how abt u build up on this slowly, in subsequent posts?

Preeti Arya said...

I couldn't agree more with your views. However, I guess, all of us have a part to play in spreading awareness and separate myths from truths. The real question is HOW?
Any ideas??

randomthoughts said...

If you have ideas about the 'HOW', put them forward.. This is while i think as well..

Anonymous said...

Jihad is not a war for religion is what has to be nailed into an individual since birth. today people fight under the misguided word is because since day 1, they were taught this. there is a very practical reason behind the same. a kid picks up stuff at childhood and never forgets for the rest of his life. same is the case here.

if you are interested and have the time, take each religion and trace back.. you will know that there was just oen god, in different time eras. and all boil down to just one transcripted in form of different religions all over the world.

randomthoughts said...

I like the concept of educating young children. Cause children are the only ones who do not discriminate..

Anonymous said...

Children do not discriminate; and they are to learning anything and everything.
my dad told me this once,which i observed lately - (apologies in advance because this may go long..)
here goes - when elephants are small their legs are tied with thin strings made of jute/gunny bag-like- material..they find it difficult to break it becasue they are not strong enough..and when the same elephant grows up..its legs are tied with even thinner strings and the elephant doesnt even try breaking them - becasue he learnt something when he was small.. he could not break it and this fact is registered in his subconscious mind.

hence, if education has to bring reform, it can only be done on somethin which is new, nascent and not written on.

it feels bad when people bring religion to win ballots.. while 2 people of different religions can be very close friends, companions, etc.
hope this changes atleast in India.. the sooner the better.