Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Theme for 2015 – Spread the Joy

Typically, a new year ushers in a positive vibe and a feel good factor. The last couple of new years have not shared that sentiment. However, it seems that the buzz is back. Amongst other factors, people have just become tired of being negative. People just need a break from the tough economic environment.

2014 has witnessed unimaginable violence, bloodshed and loss of lives. Large parts of Middle East, Africa, Pakistan and Ukraine have been under attack by various organizations / causes. Violence doesn’t really solve anything. It festers a vicious cycle of revenge and further escalates the scale of damage one inflicts. Human minds are choosing to look at violence as the solution. Au contraire, it’s the only peace which allows progress.

On the economic front, 2014 has been positive. This positive sentiment makes the outlook for 2015 better. The wildcard does remain the impact of falling crude oil prices. Oil exporting countries have taken a huge hit due to the fall in crude oil prices from $110/bbl to $45/bbl. Whispers on Conspiracy Street talk about Saudi influencing prices to undermine Iran. Others talk about USA driving prices lower to weaken Russia and a few believe traditional drillers want to bleed the shale gas producers out of business. The simple fact is that USA now produces twice the amount of crude than it did three years ago, simple economics dictates that without increase in demand, surplus production will reduce prices. The fact is, no one is certain as to the cause, but the effects can be troublesome for oil dependent economies.

On the original subject of happiness, I think the time has come to shed this negativity. The world has always been in turmoil, social media has just brought it closer. Embrace the New Year with hope and a pledge to live in the moment!