human mind is an electromagnetic minefield, filled with ideas, anxieties,
aspirations, desires and millions of other thoughts. This is only the conscious
part I speak off. The sub conscious part would contain a different set all
together. They say the human mind is capable of handling infinite thoughts.
Eventually everyone has their own little tricks to help them relax. The important thing is to practice them.
the information age we are constantly fed with data, through the internet, TV,
newspapers, millions of apps incessantly feeding information. The digital data
age is causing an overload on the mind. When does the mind get an opportunity
to pause and reflect?
speak of both the psychological and the physical impact. When an electrical
system overloads, it tends to get damaged due to short circuit. This is true of
the human mind as well. Applying the same principle, a mind burdened with
excessive information / stress suffers similar consequences.
how does one tackle this deluge? I only offer a few suggestions.
the mind to function at its best potential, it’s important to focus at one task
at time. Multitasking only sounds good. For better quality, absolute and
complete attention is vital. It is harder than you can imagine focusing on only
one thing. What, with all the distractions and numerable tasks to be completed.
a break is more important than we realize. Often times we push ourselves to
stretch longer hours, but a few minutes away from go a long way. Obviously,
timing the breaks is as important as the break itself. Switching off; I am not
sure if people today actually ever tune out. I find that keeping the mind blank
for some time is extremely refreshing.
for the physical component, some mental earthing is not a bad idea. It lets the
‘electricity’ dissipate. Sticking your head on the ground / desk may do the
Eventually everyone has their own little tricks to help them relax. The important thing is to practice them.