The wounds are still not covered, the tears have not yet dried. One year to the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks, the people are still hurting. I will refrain on harping the rhetoric (the media is doing that with great fervour). The fact is, that it still hurts.
As the months passed by, the degree of conversation related to the attacks quietened down. Why did we stop talking? I am not referring to questioning the system, accusing the politicians, shouting for accountability on T.V channels and blaming security lapses. Why did we stop talking about our individual pain? (This question is for me too, I waited a full year to write this and don't know what stopped me).
You cannot heal until you talk.
A recent newspaper report mentioned that Mumbai bounced back faster from its trauma as compared to New York and London. It just made me wonder, what choice did we have? There was limited options of venting our anger. Apart from the protest march, most of the anger and pain was internalized and made us more cynical.
I dont have any solutions, but talking might help.