Election 2009 will be remembered for a lot of things, but nobody had predicted the sweeping results. The Congress triumph, the BJP despair, the Left sent right out(pun unappologetically intended), Mayawati has more time to build statues (not in Delhi), Lalu can take a train to Bihar(on the side middle berth), Mulayam and Amar Singh can use the time to update their facebook profile (in English, they have 5 years to learn it). Who would have thought all this was possible. Let me state right at the outset that I have no brilliant insights you wouldn't have read, but I am so excited and that I am compelled to write this post. Thus a summary of events brought out by this election.
The most powerful statement made by voters this time is that extremism will not be tolerated. Extremism of any form, religious, ideological or caste based. Mr. Muthalik, beating women at pubs will get you pink chaddi's but not votes.
The fact remains that India is secular not because the minority are secular, but the majority are secular. My caste my vote; no longer true. People have matured (I hope my inference is correct) and are voting for development and visible economic benefits. Recent assembly polls and the last two national elections seem to reflect this.
Cut the negativity. The Congress party focused on the work that did in the last five years (I'm not getting into whether they actually did anything). While the BJP were harping on the 'Weak PM' line, the outcome indicates Dr Manmohan knocked them out with just one punch.
Humility. Its an under-rated virtue, but it is most appreciated. A host of politicians made arrogant statements, took cheap shots at opponents, trash talked. The endearing humility of the PM stood out and endeared the voters. The message was clear; 'My works speaks for me'.
The clear mandate to the UPA provides them with the opportunity to implement reforms they could not earlier bring about. The pressure is back on the Congress to deliver and validate the voters confidence. This election outcome leaves our country on the threshold to a lot of possibilities, let us achieve all of them.